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Nikos Kazantzakis, end of time due to copyright - By John G. Zaglaris

Αρχική | Τα δικά σας άρθρα | Nikos Kazantzakis, end of time due to copyright - By John G. Zaglaris


-end of time due to copyright-

The main concern in the writings of the Hellene author Kazantzakis lies in the notion of ‘time’ and its final definition. To what extent  should time be “limited” in order to protect copyright against plagiarism?

The first Constitution of the USA, for example, authorized the Congress to safeguard exclusive copyright in favour of an author for ‘limited time’.

For how long may time be limited, since it keeps getting elongated  because of internationally intertwined interests?

At first it was set for approximately 15 years after the death of each author. In due course the 15 years became nearly 30, then 50 and in Kazantzakis’ case the 50 years became 70. Furthermore, in America it has reached almost 100 years, mainly because of the Mickey Mouse copyright in favour of Walt Disney Company.

Now, let us see briefly the historical evolution of the notion of time.

Till early in the 20th century science accepted the notion of time absolutely. ‘Absolute time’ used to be a Hellenic, philosophical notion of reality alone, independent of space; also

a political vision of an unchanging picture, invisibly escorted by a cosmic soul, forever immortal. Like an unwavering, imaginary rock in the middle of a boundless sea, imperturbable by any fluctuations, absolute time safeguarded one, “unified present” for the whole of humankind.  Expected to be mathematically demonstrated, this notion of time from a religious point of view, was considered to be identical to the so called Second Coming. Great supporters of this ‘absolutism’ included renowned scientists such as Galilei and Newton in the 17th and 18th centuries.

At the beginning of the 20th century, though, Einstein, the physicist famous for his theories of relativity, meticulously dealing with this notion of ‘absolute time’ in reality, found himself unable to reconstruct and represent the appropriate framework corresponding to its mathematical demonstration. Therefore, he introduced instead the notion of time “relatively”. This ‘relative time’ is dependent upon space. It contracts wherever the space widens and it dilates whereas the space is shrinking. On Einstein’s claim this relative time is obligatory learning in our schools nowadays.

However, in spite of this, it is expected and it is even foreseen by Einstein, that it will be sighted motionless in situ -in a mathematical point- allowing reconstruction of the appropriate frame of coordinates or ‘closed time-lines’*, (in German  ‘geschlossenen Zeitlinien’), mathematically proving time to be absolute.

This is the reason why the reference in the Constitution of the USA to a ‘limited time’ signifies, that time will come for sure, when the corresponding space will shrink to a discriminated point, so that one and the same idea, one unified present shall enlighten every individual’s mind.

Kazantzakis speaks of this point: “…shall like a flame serene ascend and fade in the sun!...”, (see the prologue of his epic ODYSSEY translated by Kimon Friar).

All of a sudden facing Kazantzakis ODYSSEY we realize being face to face with  light and truth, mathematically shown to be eternal.

This is also the reason why the multi-national companies of the mass media, which establish and topple governments world-wide at will, demand the interpretation to be adopted -or to pass a law- stating ‘limited time’ should mean end of time. An end to come, when zero hour shall be  simultaneously accepted  by the whole humanity.

International recognition of the right to teach globally this notion of time would mean globalization and it would  literally lead to a unified field theory or a unification of the 2 Einstein’s theories of relativity. In fact it will show geometrical construction of global poesy, algebraic presentation of closed time-lines* or eternal presence of LOGOS –divine reasoning- invisibly presented in front of our eyes, deeply into our hearts, exemplified by the perfect structure of the epic poem ODYSSEY by Nikos Kazantzakis in 33333 verses.

On purpose or by chance?

Consciously Kazantzakis based upon absolute motion as a response to the forces impressed upon his ODYSSEY is ceding to us the (copy)right -right in rem- to reveal this absolute motion as the political vision of the Hellenic nation and to propose the formation of one global government using only one global currency.

The drachma.

End of time due to copyright.

By John G. Zaglaris, math.-undergrad. Zurich University, 1964

marketer-dipl. Institute of Marketing,1979    

Μichalakopoulou 4,Athens 11528 [Ilissia],Greece

Tel: +302107240552, mob. 6972468203,e-mail:<jeanzag41@gmail.com>

(Edited by Triada Samaras, MA, MFA,


*See ‘CONSTANTINOS CARATHEODORY’ in Hellenic  by Stavros Theophanidis, Professor of Applied Economics in Panteion Univeristy, (Publ. Piraeus Bank, Athens 2002), p. 66, Einstein’s letter in German  to Caratheodory, in which Einstein says verbatim:

“…If, though, you answer the closed time-lines question, I will kneel before you with crossed arms. There is something hidden here, which deserves the best men’s sweat....”

Then further below, on p. 78, in another letter:

“…Would you like to consider something about the closed time-lines problem too? Here is the core of what is still unresolved part the Space-Time problem...”

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