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Η απαράδεκτη ρατσιστική διαφήμιση του Jumbo δεν θα ξανακουστεί!

Αρχική | Ειδήσεις | Ελλάδα | Η απαράδεκτη ρατσιστική διαφήμιση του Jumbo δεν θα ξανακουστεί!




Διαβάστε τη διαφήμιση και τις επιστολές (στα Αγγλικά):

What is the Jew in 2010 ? What he has always been: a lurid loan-shark.

[lurid loanshark] Jew : Ahoy, what are the news - the German will lend? German is good.
Karagiozis : Nein, german no lend.
[lurid loanshark] Jew : Hey, then me lend ! But to lend must make plenty.
Karagiozis: How much make plenty ?
[lurid loanshark] Jew : Forty percent make plenty.
Karagiozis: You haven't convinced me; I'm going to Jumbo to find a solution for me.

This is a commercial for the toy-store chain "Jumbo", (company website), that aired during the past months in Greece in order to promote it as an economic outlet for toys in crisis-stricken Greece. It features popular characters from the traditional greek Shadow's Puppet Theater: Karagiozis is the principal character and embodies the greek people ; the other protagonist is the Jew, often from Salonica, not speaking Greek correctly, always a coward and a miserable cheap. In this commercial we have many antisemitic stereotypes intertwined together: the rich Jew who is also a loan shark. The Jew  tries to take advantage of the poor Greek who suffers under the contemporary economic crisis since his European Union (aka the Germans) refuse to lend him anymore. But the Greek is not fooled by the Jew and hurries to Jumbo toy-stores to find a solution.
Of course this commercial is not the pinnacle of antisemitism and the Greek Jewry faces far worse antisemitism than that of the toy-store chain "Jumbo". I simply present it here as a further proof that antisemitism is socially acceptable in Greece and how the economic crisis can promote the exacerbation of racism in Greece: in a commercial that does not aim to provoke but to promote sales, not only the classic antisemitic stereotype of the rich stingy Jew is used but the even worse one of the rich Jewish loan-shark skimming the poor greek people.
This is not a debate on the character of the "Jew" in the Shadow's Puppet Theater but a post on a company that considers blatant racism as an acceptable commercial practice. I personally consider it unacceptable and I believe that a company of this size which is also quoted in the Athens Stock Exchange should publicly inform its clients  and investors on whether it continues to agree with the policy of its advertising agency and whether it intends to continue promoting racism as to increase sales of toys in it's stores.


Your company's recent promotion via a Karagiozi dialogue is blatantly anti-Semitic and does harm to your commercial interests, as well as giving another black eye to Greece's well-earned reputation for anti-Jewish expressions in so many recent venues: the synagogue in Hania, Crete; the attacks on the sacred Jewish cemeteries in Ioannina and Thessaloniki, and Holocaust memorials everywhere!
Your officers should immediately withdraw this latest expression of anti-Semitism in the guise of a nefarious business model, issuing a forthright apology to the beleaguered, besieged community of Greek Jewry. We, as interested co-religionists in America, have an acute sense that this step is proper and long overdue!
Please confirm receipt of my expression of concern, and your having taken the steps desired to erase this blot in your company's reputation.

Prof. Asher J. Matathias, President
L.I. Lodge #1353, B'nai B'rith
Woodmere, NY-USA


In a message dated 8/11/2010 8:45:12 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, inifo_jumbo@jumbo.gr writes:

Dear Prof. Matathias,

With respect we read your comments. This advertisement will never be shown again and please accept our sincere apologies.

Kind Regards,

Marketing Department



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