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The Pan-Macedonian Association of America - Urgent Appeal for Haiti!

Αρχική | Διάφορα | Άρθρα από το Blog μας | The Pan-Macedonian Association of America - Urgent Appeal for Haiti!

January 20, 2010


Dear Members and Friends,


As you know by now, a massive, 7.0-magnitude earthquake struck Haiti near the capital of Port-au-Prince on Tuesday, January 12th. The damage to buildings is extensive and the number of dead or injured is in the many thousands.


Haiti was the first country to recognize the independence of the Greeks early in their war of liberation, in 1822. In addition, Haiti sent 500 tons of coffee to Greek collaborators in France to be sold and the money used for the Greek independence effort. Haiti’s support for Greece did not end there as they attempted to send 100 soldiers to fight along side the Greeks, but unfortunately these were killed en route to Greece. As the first independent

 nation born of a successful slave revolt in 1804, Haiti played an important role in the liberation of other peoples in Central America and elsewhere.


Your generous gift now will help distribute life to children and families devastated by the earthquake and aftershocks in Haiti.


“We would be very concerned about a quake of this magnitude anywhere in the world, but it is especially devastating in Haiti, where people are acutely vulnerable because of poor infrastructure and extreme poverty,” said Edward Brown, World Vision’s relief director in the United States.


I ask all our chapters and all our members to join the Greek Orthodox Church and offer generously as a response of compassion to the needs of the people of Haiti. Please give your offerings at the drives of your local churches or send them to the Greek Orthodox


Archdiocese at: 8 East 79th Street, New York, NY 10075. Please make your check out to the “Greek Orthodox Archdiocese” earmarked for the Haiti Relief Fund. You may also donate through the AHEPA drive through their local chapters or by visiting their Web





Nina Gatzoulis-Supreme President Maria Hatzinakos-Supreme Secretary




The Pan-Macedonian Association of America, Sixty Years of Activity.


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