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Captain at sea looking for a job



Personal  data

Name: Dimitris Frydas

Captain at sea A! Class

Address: 10 Vallaniou Street

185 36 Piraeus

Phone number:  +30 2104533630

Cell phone number:30 6948433074

Born on Chios island on 27/10/1947

Marital  status:  Married to Virginia Sigala

Two children, resp: 22-20 of age

Nationality: Greek

email: dimitris.frydas@gmail.com

Educational background

Primary school, high school  1953-1965 at Chios entered the Oinoussai Maritime

school in 1965. Graduated at 1968 as captain C! class degree.Graduated from

K.E.S.E.N. (center for training of Commercial Navy Officers). Obtained at diplomas

and certificates necessary for the grade of captain at sea A! (diploma Nr: 0004342)

GMDSS 2001

Certified for ships of any capacity. Trained at Kvaerner fjellstrand Norway, in Kamewa

type ships.

Previous employment

Employed with various shipping on  ocean going ships (General cargo,Bulk carriers,

Tankers,Containers,Refrigerated,Yachts) for 14 years as 3rd captain,2nd captain

and Master. In December 1990 took delivery of the first  Catamaran of Kamewa type

in Greece purchased by the Greek company  Cerres,the vessel was transferred

under my command from Kvaerner fjellstrand.

For more than 19 years employed by Cerres/Hellenic Sea Ways as Master of

catamaran vessels and flying dolphins with experience of calls at more  than

60 ports in Greece.

Additional skills

Languages: Greek,English.

P.S  I am a retired master of Merchant Shipping and I'm looking for work.

eg.In an office even abroad,anywhere.

Image gallery

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