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May 22, 2010


Contact: Nikolaos Taneris, New York, Tel. (917) 699-9935


NEW YORK—Distinguished author and researcher Mrs. Fanoulla Argyrou presented her scholarly findings based on her groundbreaking research in the British Foreign Office to a broad range of youth organizations, community meetings, media outlets and public events in the Greater New York area to commemorate the 91st Anniversary of May 19th the International Remembrance Day for the Pontian Greek Genocide, at the invitation of the Pan Pontian Federation of USA and CANADA


Mrs. F. Argyrou is specialised in the study of the British official released Foreign Office documents on Cyprus with an experience of well over 20 years on the matter. Argyrou has written 8 books (of the 8 books that Argyrou wrote, one covers the Pontian Genocide) , numerous  studies, speeches in conferences, hundreds of articles in the Greek Cypriot press in Cyprus and is an associate writer with London based newspapers  “Ta Nea”, “Eleftheria” and “Simerini” in Cyprus as well as others and Radio Proto in Cyprus. Her first hand research has had  strong affects on the political climate in Cyprus, and her findings have raised serious questions about the official handling of the Cyprus question, and the dangers involved with the Turkish-inspired bizonal bicommunal federation plans. Arygrou’s research, political analysis and methodology in communicating the truth about Turkish Crimes has inspired entire generations of activists. It was with deep respect that she was received by patriots in the Greek-American community.


Argyrou’s speeches and presentations focused on the British archival record which is her specialty.  However, also covered were timely revelations of fact, including details on the war crimes background to Mehmet Ali Talat, and  long term efforts to Turkify the entire Greek Island of Cyprus, by means of the bizonal bicommunal so-called “solutions”  Also discussed was the importance of the book “The Bloody Truth” (available for download on the CANA website and in hard copy ,free of charge from CANA) In the book are details on the gory massacres and cover-ups by the Turkish terrorist organizations Volgan and TMT, as well as research that includes Turkish documents on Turkish Crimes in Cyprus. This book presents irrefutable evidence against Turkey for its unpunished crimes in Cyprus.


The overall success of Fanoulla Argyrou’s visit to New York was in hammering home the truth, with irrefutable evidence, on the cycle of Genocide that Turkey is responsible for from Asia Minor to Cyprus. And the fact that Turkey remains and remained an aggressor because Turkey continues to escape punishment for its crimes. Notable attendees and messages of support for the events came in from Ted G. Spyropoulos, USA Coordinator, World Council of Hellenes Abroad and Dr. Olga Sarantopoulos, Secretary of World Council of Hellenes Abroad who flew into New York from Vienna. The events were also followed by a “who’s who” of Greek and Greek-Cypriot journalists and academics, who like it or not, couldn’t stay away from hearing the truth—almost the entire journalistic  staff of The National Herald TNH, Demetrios Rhombotis of AKTINA FM and staff from NEO magazine, Alex Stephanopoulos and Despina Syriopoulou of Greek American News Agency, Apostolos Zoupaniotis correspondent for RIK and CNA Cyprus News Agency, and even Dr. Christos P. Ioannides the Director of the Center for Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies at Queens College, City University of New York, to name just a few.


To view the Fanoulla Argyrou speeches and presentations in English, please download the following PDF document on our site: http://cyprusactionnetwork.org/yahoo_site_admin/assets/docs/Fanoulla_Argyrou_Speeches.14214823.pdf


To read the Fanoulla Argyrou speech in original Hellenic presented in Astoria at the Stathakion Center, please click the following link: http://cyprusactionnetwork.org/sta_ellinika_fanoulla_argyrou_speech


We also managed to capture the entire Fanoulla Argyrou speech in original Hellenic on video, please view:  ΤΟΥΡΚΙΚΑ ΕΓΚΛΗΜΑΤΑ: Ομιλία της κ. Φανούλα Αργυρού στην Αστόρια.


The CANAgrassroots YouTube channel has several video that have been uploaded with greetings from speakers, including:

The greeting from Nikolaos Taneris at the 91st Pontian Greek Genocide Commemoration in New York.


The address from the ANCA ER Executive Director Garo Manjikian at the 91st Pontian Greek Genocide Commemoration in New York.


And the entire speech, from Key note speaker Fanoulla Argyrou at the 91st Pontian Greek Genocide Commemoration in New York:



The National Herald –NYC Remembers Pontian Genocide May 19, 2010 PDF doc



ΕΘΝΙΚΟΣ ΚΗΡΥΞ τΕταρτΗ 19 μαΪου 2010   Τα βρετανικά αρχεία για τη Γενοκτονία των Ποντίων

Ομιλία Κυπρίας ερευνήτριας σε εκδήλωση που οργανώνει η Παμποντιακή Ομοσπονδία στην Αστόρια  PDF



ΕΘΝΙΚΟΣ ΚΗΡΥΞ παραςΚεΥη 21 MAΪΟΥ 2010 Εκδηλώσεις για την επέτειο Γενοκτονίας Ποντιακού Ελληνισμού στη Ν.Υ.


Page 7

Οι εκδηλώσεις για τη Γενοκτονία page 3


Please keep checking our website for more updates and the CANAgrassroots you tube channels for updates. Contact us for your copy of “The Bloody Truth” for your family and friends, print out and sign our petition calling for the arrest of the Turkish murderer of our Greek-Cypriot brother Solomos Solomou. And join us again this July 20th for our annual protest directly in front of the criminal Turkish Embassy in Washington DC. The Cyprus Action Network of America (CANA) is pleased that the fervor for justice is growing stronger with each passing year, as much as the bizonal  bicommunal clique  with their political ineptitude and personal agendas would like to bury this issue of memorialising 20th of July with muddled messages and talks (to the tune of bouzoukia and baglamades) on so-called "solutions" that involve so-called "federations" with the very criminals who perpetrated a HOLOCAUST on Greek-Cypriots, we say NEVER AGAIN. We will not be silent, and we are not going away.


ΑΙΜΑΤΗΡΗ ΑΛΗΘΕΙΑ - BLOODY TRUTH (Download the Greek and English PDF book) Learn the Truth about the Turkish terrorist organizations Volgan and TMT and the Turkish Bizonal Bicommunal Federation plan. Volunteer  for our information tables to distribute the book.


Print out and sign the petition The Murderer—KENAN AKIN A CALL FOR JUSTICE




Cyprus Action Network of America (CANA)

2578 Broadway #132

New York, NY 10025

New York: Tel. 917-699-9935


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