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Ας ψηφίσουμε όλοι για να σταματήσει η καταστροφή των μνημείων της Βόρειας Κύπρου

Αρχική | Διάφορα | Άρθρα από το Blog μας | Ας ψηφίσουμε όλοι για να σταματήσει η καταστροφή των μνημείων της Βόρειας Κύπρου

The pillage, destruction and desecration of Cyprus' religious and cultural heritage in the occupied parts of Cyprus by Turkey has been brought about by the continuing occupation of more than a third of the island's territory and has led to incalculable loss.

Unfortunately, every effort undertaken by The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) authorities to protect the cultural heritage of Cyprus has been unsuccessful. This has been due to the unwillingness of the Turkish occupation army to comply with international conventions.



Αποστολή: Πάνος Ιωαννίδης

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