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Fatemeh Pasandideh and Her Husband Yousef Naderkhani Threatened to Receive a Death Sentence

Αρχική | Ειδήσεις | Κόσμος | Fatemeh Pasandideh and Her Husband Yousef Naderkhani Threatened to Receive a Death Sentence

Fatemeh Pasandideh and Her Husband Yousef Naderkhani have been banned from visiting each other in prison during the past 2 weeks and the security authorities have threatened to sentence them to life in prison or to execute them if they do not convert to Islam.

RAHANA: In a phone call with a close relative, Fatemeh Pasandideh stated that the pressure has exacerbated on her and her husband Yousef Naderkhani.

According to the RAHANA reporter, in a phone call on September 11th, she has told her relative that she has been banned from visiting her husband for the past 2 weeks and has been threatened that she will be sentenced to life in prison based on the Shari’ a law if she refuses to convert to Islam.

Her husband is in a similar situation and has been threatened to receive a death sentence if he fails to convert to Islam.

Fatemeh Naderkhani who has recently converted to Christianity is confined in the Rasht Lakan Prison along with her husband Yousef Naderkhani.

Unconfirmed reports also stated that Behrouz Sadegh-Khanjani, another detained Christian has been sentenced to death by two of his judges. However, the third judge has not issued a verdict yet.

Human Rights House of Iran


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