Κακοποίηση γυναικών: Ας σπάσουμε επιτέλους τη σιωπή! - της Χριστιάννας Λούπα
«Η βία κατά των γυναικών είναι ίσως η πιο επαίσχυντη παραβίαση των ανθρωπίνων δικαιωμάτων. Δεν κάνει διαχωρισμό μεταξύ συνόρων, πολιτισμών ή πλούτου. Όσο συνεχίζεται, δεν μπορούμε να ισχυριζόμαστε ότι κάνουμε ουσιαστική πρόοδο προς την ισότητα, την ανάπτυξη και την ειρήνη».
Κόφι Άναν, Γενικός Γραμματέας του ΟΗΕ
Σύμφωνα με δεδομένα του ΟΗΕ, έως 70% των γυναικών βιώνουν σωματική ή σεξουαλική βία - ή και τα δύο - από άνδρες στη διάρκεια της ζωής τους και στις περισσότερες περιπτώσεις η βία ασκείται από τον σύζυγο, τον σύντροφο ή κάποιον γνωστό, πρόκειται δηλαδή για ενδοοικογενειακή βία. Μα το χειρότερο είναι ότι τα περισσότερα θύματα διαλέγουν το δρόμο της σιωπηλής υποταγής και της μηδενικής αντίδρασης, συνήθως από φόβο, ντροπή, αλλά και πολύ συχνά λόγω άγνοιας του τρόπου με τον οποίο πρέπει να αντιδράσουν, καθιστώντας έτσι την κακοποίηση ένα ανομολόγητο έγκλημα.
Στην Ελλάδα ισχύει ο νόμος 3500/2006 για την αντιμετώπιση της ενδοοικογενειακής βίας. Βαριές οι ευθύνες της Πολιτείας και ως προς τις νομοθετικές ατέλειες και ως προς την έλλειψη υποδομής για την υποστήριξη – ψυχολογική και υλική – των κακοποιημένων γυναικών, που συχνά, ακόμα κι αν κινήσουν νομική διαδικασία, βρίσκονται μπλεγμένες στα ατέλειωτα γρανάζια της γραφειοκρατίας και των επιτήδειων νομικών ελιγμών.
Κι επειδή οι στατιστικές και οι θεωρίες είναι καλές σε επιστημονικό επίπεδο, ιδού μερικές πρακτικές και χρήσιμες συμβουλές για εκείνες που τις χρειάζονται, προκειμένου να κάνουν την υπέρβαση και να πάρουν τη ζωή τους στα χέρια τους. Και ας μην ξεχνάμε: Η βία κατά των γυναικών δεν είναι ούτε ιδιωτική, ούτε γυναικεία υπόθεση. Είναι υπόθεση που αφορά όλους μας.
Τι πρέπει να κάνεις αν έχεις υποστεί κακοποίηση:
Πήγαινε όσο το δυνατόν συντομότερα σε οποιοδήποτε Αστυνομικό Τμήμα. Μπορείς να υποβάλεις μήνυση. Ζήτησε οπωσδήποτε την καταγραφή του περιστατικού κακοποίησης στο βιβλίο συμβάντων του Α/Τ και ζήτησε αντίγραφο.
Ζήτησε από τον εισαγγελέα να δώσει εντολή στον αρμόδιο ιατροδικαστή να υποβληθείς σε ιατροδικαστική εξέταση, όσο γίνεται πιο σύντομα.
Αφού μεταβείς στην ιατροδικαστική υπηρεσία και υποβληθείς στις απαραίτητες ιατρικές εξετάσεις, ζήτησε αντίγραφο της ιατροδικαστικής έκθεσης.
Αν έχεις πάει σε νοσοκομείο ζήτησε να καταγραφεί το περιστατικό στο βιβλίο συμβάντων ως κακοποίηση και κράτησε οπωσδήποτε αντίγραφο.
Εφ’ όσον έχει καταγραφεί το περιστατικό της κακοποίησης στο βιβλίο συμβάντων της Αστυνομίας, μπορείς να μην επιστρέψεις στη συζυγική στέγη και να μετακομίσεις προσωρινά μαζί με τα παιδιά σου (αν υπάρχουν) και να στείλεις στο σύζυγο μια εξώδικη δήλωση, που να ανακοινώνει τη μετοίκισή σου (και των παιδιών σου).
Σε κάθε περίπτωση, ζήτησε υποστήριξη από ανθρώπους που εμπιστεύεσαι ή επικοινώνησε με κάποιον φορέα υποστήριξης κακοποιημένων γυναικών, προκειμένου να βρεις ξενώνα φιλοξενίας και προσωρινή εργασία, όπως:
Κέντρα Υποδοχής Κακοποιημένων Γυναικών: Αθήνα: 210 5235318, 210 5235250, Πειραιάς: 210 4112091, 210 4129101.
Γραμμή ΣΟΣ «Δίπλα σου»: για θύματα οικογενειακής βίας και για θύματα σωματεμπορίας. Γραμμή βοήθειας, 9πμ-9μμ καθημερινά για όλη την Ελλάδα, τηλ. 800.11.88881 χωρίς χρέωση από σταθερό, τηλ. 210 7786800 για κλήσεις από κινητό.
Σύνδεσμος για τα Δικαιώματα της γυναίκας – Βοήθεια για τη βία μέσα στην οικογένεια: Παροχή δωρεάν νομικών συμβουλών. 210 3616232 (18.00 -20.00).
Χριστιάννα Λούπα
Άλλα άρθρα από Christianna Loupa
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29 Σεπτεμβρίου 2010, 19:57

Μια μικρή έρευνα στο διαδίκτυο ίσως δείχνει μια κάπως διαφορετική εικόνα.
Ισως είναι καιρός να ξεδιαλύνουμε τους κοινωνικούς μύθους που μας ομιχλώνουν και να καταλάβουμε ότι πειρισσότερη έμφαση πρέπει να δοθεί στο πως να κρατήσουμε μια οικογένεια μαζύ και όχι πώς να την διαλύσουμε.
"Pennsylvania Professor Richard Gelles states: "Contrary to the claim that women only hit in self-defense, we found that women were as likely to initiate the violence as were men."
National Family Violence Legislative Resource Center:
When we ignore male victims of domestic abuse, we also ignore their children, who continue to be damaged by witnessing the violence regardless of how severe it is. We cannot break this intergenerational cycle by ignoring half of it. That's why a global coalition of experts has formed to support a research-based, inclusive approach, and their website has solid data showing women initiate the violence as often as men.
Men are More Likely Than Women to Be Victims in Dating Violence:
A recent 32-nation study by the University of New Hampshire found female students initiate partner violence as often as male students and controlling behavior exists equally in perpetrators of both sexes.
Women More Likely to be Perpetrators of Abuse as Well as Victims:
A University of Florida study recently found women are more likely than men to "stalk, attack and abuse" their partners. “We’re seeing women in relationships acting differently nowadays than we have in the past,” said Angela Gover, a UF criminologist who led the research. “The nature of criminality has been changing for females, and this change is reflected in intimate relationships as well.”
Teenage Violence Linked To Later Domestic Violence:
A University of Washington study recently found women were nearly twice as likely as men to perpetrate domestic violence in the past year including kicking, biting or punching their partner, threatening to hit or throw something at their partner, and pushing, grabbing or shoving their partner.
Assaults by Women on Their Spouses or Male Partners:
Virtually all sociological data shows women initiate domestic violence as often as men, that women use weapons more than men, and that 38% of injured victims are men. California State University Professor Martin Fiebert summarizes almost 200 of these studies online.
Journal of Family Violence:
A recent study in the Journal of Family Violence found many male callers to a national hotline experienced high rates of severe violence from female partners who used violence to control them.
Intimate Partner Abuse Against Men:
Some scholars suggest that the motives for intimate partner abuse against men by women may differ from those for abuse against women by men, and that women suffer more severe injuries than men. Nonetheless, the occurrence of abuse by women against men, and its consequences, warrant attention. It is important for the victims of abuse, whether they be men or women, to know that they are not alone – that is, that such experience is not unique to their personal situation. It is also important for the perpetrators of intimate partner abuse – men or women – to recognize that violence in any form is both morally and legally wrong.
Disabusing The Definition of Domestic Abuse:
A law review article by law Professor Linda Kelly that documents the long history of how battered men's statistics and plight have been intentionally covered up.
Transforming a Flawed Policy:
This is a cutting edge challenge to the domestic violence industry by Professor Don Dutton, a domestic violence expert who was a prosecutorial witness in the O.J. Simpson case, who challenges the man-bad/woman-good model and the notion that women mostly hit in self-defense.
Why Women Assualt:
California State University surveyed 1,000 college women: 30% admitted they assaulted a male partner. Their most common reasons: (1) my partner wasn't listening to me; (2) my partner wasn't being sensitive to my needs; and (3) I wished to gain my partner's attention.
For more information see:
A University of Pennsylvania emergency room report found 13% of men reported being assaulted by a female partner in the previous 12 months, of which 50% were choked, kicked, bitten, punched, or had an object thrown at them, 37% involved a weapon, and 14% required medical attention, at Academic of Emergency Medicine
University of Pennsylvania Professor Richard Gelles states: "Contrary to the claim that women only hit in self-defense, we found that women were as likely to initiate the violence as were men. In order to correct for a possible bias in reporting, we reexamined our data looking only at the self-reports of women. The women reported similar rates of female-to-male violence compared to male-to-female, and women also reported they were as likely to initiate the violence as were men," in his article reprinted at The Hidden Side of Domestic Violence
Ισως είναι καιρός να ξεδιαλύνουμε τους κοινωνικούς μύθους που μας ομιχλώνουν και να καταλάβουμε ότι πειρισσότερη έμφαση πρέπει να δοθεί στο πως να κρατήσουμε μια οικογένεια μαζύ και όχι πώς να την διαλύσουμε.
"Pennsylvania Professor Richard Gelles states: "Contrary to the claim that women only hit in self-defense, we found that women were as likely to initiate the violence as were men."
National Family Violence Legislative Resource Center:
When we ignore male victims of domestic abuse, we also ignore their children, who continue to be damaged by witnessing the violence regardless of how severe it is. We cannot break this intergenerational cycle by ignoring half of it. That's why a global coalition of experts has formed to support a research-based, inclusive approach, and their website has solid data showing women initiate the violence as often as men.
Men are More Likely Than Women to Be Victims in Dating Violence:
A recent 32-nation study by the University of New Hampshire found female students initiate partner violence as often as male students and controlling behavior exists equally in perpetrators of both sexes.
Women More Likely to be Perpetrators of Abuse as Well as Victims:
A University of Florida study recently found women are more likely than men to "stalk, attack and abuse" their partners. “We’re seeing women in relationships acting differently nowadays than we have in the past,” said Angela Gover, a UF criminologist who led the research. “The nature of criminality has been changing for females, and this change is reflected in intimate relationships as well.”
Teenage Violence Linked To Later Domestic Violence:
A University of Washington study recently found women were nearly twice as likely as men to perpetrate domestic violence in the past year including kicking, biting or punching their partner, threatening to hit or throw something at their partner, and pushing, grabbing or shoving their partner.
Assaults by Women on Their Spouses or Male Partners:
Virtually all sociological data shows women initiate domestic violence as often as men, that women use weapons more than men, and that 38% of injured victims are men. California State University Professor Martin Fiebert summarizes almost 200 of these studies online.
Journal of Family Violence:
A recent study in the Journal of Family Violence found many male callers to a national hotline experienced high rates of severe violence from female partners who used violence to control them.
Intimate Partner Abuse Against Men:
Some scholars suggest that the motives for intimate partner abuse against men by women may differ from those for abuse against women by men, and that women suffer more severe injuries than men. Nonetheless, the occurrence of abuse by women against men, and its consequences, warrant attention. It is important for the victims of abuse, whether they be men or women, to know that they are not alone – that is, that such experience is not unique to their personal situation. It is also important for the perpetrators of intimate partner abuse – men or women – to recognize that violence in any form is both morally and legally wrong.
Disabusing The Definition of Domestic Abuse:
A law review article by law Professor Linda Kelly that documents the long history of how battered men's statistics and plight have been intentionally covered up.
Transforming a Flawed Policy:
This is a cutting edge challenge to the domestic violence industry by Professor Don Dutton, a domestic violence expert who was a prosecutorial witness in the O.J. Simpson case, who challenges the man-bad/woman-good model and the notion that women mostly hit in self-defense.
Why Women Assualt:
California State University surveyed 1,000 college women: 30% admitted they assaulted a male partner. Their most common reasons: (1) my partner wasn't listening to me; (2) my partner wasn't being sensitive to my needs; and (3) I wished to gain my partner's attention.
For more information see:
A University of Pennsylvania emergency room report found 13% of men reported being assaulted by a female partner in the previous 12 months, of which 50% were choked, kicked, bitten, punched, or had an object thrown at them, 37% involved a weapon, and 14% required medical attention, at Academic of Emergency Medicine
University of Pennsylvania Professor Richard Gelles states: "Contrary to the claim that women only hit in self-defense, we found that women were as likely to initiate the violence as were men. In order to correct for a possible bias in reporting, we reexamined our data looking only at the self-reports of women. The women reported similar rates of female-to-male violence compared to male-to-female, and women also reported they were as likely to initiate the violence as were men," in his article reprinted at The Hidden Side of Domestic Violence
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Δείτε καρέ-καρέ τη σφαγή στο Κοντομαρί Χανίων από τους Γερμανούς - Η ιστορία του Franz Peter Weixler
Β΄Παγκόσμιος Πόλεμος.
Η Μάχη της Κρήτης είναι γνωστή σε όλους.Μετά την κατάληψη του νησιού από τους ναζί ωστόσο, άρχισαν τα αντίποινα.
Στις 2 Ιουνίου 1941, στο χωριό Κοντομαρί Χανίων, οι Γερμανοί εκτέλεσαν 23 (;) άνδρες, ως αντίποινα για τις εκτελέσεις και τη σφαγή πολλών Γερμανών αλεξιπτωτιστών, που είχαν πέσει μέσα στους θάμνους. Πτώματα Γερμανών είχαν εντοπιστεί κοντά στο χωριό. Οι Γερμανοί όρμησαν ...
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