Ποια είναι η νέα παγκόσμια τάξη που επικαλείστε, κύριε Νταβούτογλου; (video)
Ομιλία του Τούρκου Υπουργού Εξωτερικών στο Harvard Kennedy School με σπόνσορα το Ίδρυμα Κόκκαλη.
Sponsored by Harvard Institute of Politics and the Kokkalis Program on Southeastern and East-Central Europe
Turkish Foreign Minister urges inclusiveness in a new world order
Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, in his first public address since attending the United Nations General Assembly, urged for a new political order based on inclusiveness and outlined Turkey's proactive foreign policy approach in response to a new emerging world order.
Speaking at Harvard University's John F. Kennedy Jr. Forum, Davutoglu delivered his address "The Philosophical & Strategic Challenges to the Emerging World Order - Rethinking the Transatlantic Alternative" to over 750 students and faculty.
To view video stream of the full address, press release, and media coverage, follow the links below.
Αποστολή: Theodosis Chris
Δείτε καρέ-καρέ τη σφαγή στο Κοντομαρί Χανίων από τους Γερμανούς - Η ιστορία του Franz Peter Weixler
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