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Scots plan to stop alcohol offers - BBC NEWS

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The Scottish Government said it planned to ban discount deals


Measures to tackle alcohol abuse by stopping cut-price offers have been outlined by the Scottish Government.

It has proposed a range of measures including the radical step of a minimum price per unit. It would be the first country in Europe to take the step.

The minority government said it also plans to ban discount deals on alcohol.

SNP ministers backed down from raising the age buying drink from off-sales to 21 - but will create powers for that to be imposed on a local basis.

And local Chief Constables will also be able to request such a move.

Other measures include restricting the display and marketing of drink to specific areas within off-sales premises.

Scottish ministers also plan to create legal powers to introduce a "social responsibility fee" for some retailers.

They decided not to go ahead with proposals to introduce alcohol-only checkouts in supermarkets and shops.

They said this had been opposed, particularly from small retailers, who lacked the floor space and staff.

Alcohol abuse costs Scotland £2.25bn every year in lost work days and costs to the health service and the Scottish Government said it was time to act.

Ministers denied being "anti-alcohol", amid opposition party concern that the proposals were being forced through.

Loss leader

The Scottish Government plans to use the existing licensing act to introduce the minimum price per unit of alcohol.

The details of that will be worked out with economists to find the most effective level.

The same law will also be modified to ban drinks offers such as buy one-get-one-free and prevent the use of alcohol as a "loss leader".

The paper outlining the plans pointed out that some retailers had moved away from quantity discounts to straight price cuts such as selling 24 can packs of lager for £7 or premium vodka at £6 for a 70cl bottle.

Ministers said they did not believe alcohol should be discounted in the same way as other commodities.

The blueprint said the amount of advertising by supermarkets over recent months suggested that cheap alcohol did play a key role in determining where people shop.

Health Secretary Nicola Sturgeon said: "Plummeting prices and aggressive promotion have led to a surge in consumption, causing and adding to health problems ranging from liver and heart diseases to diabetes, obesity, dementia and cancers.

"We have listened to those who responded to the consultation and modified our proposals where appropriate.

"But we remain determined to press ahead with tough policies to tackle alcohol misuse."

"This, in turn, has fuelled significant increases in deaths and illness."

The Tories said the pricing plans were "horribly flawed", while Labour warned against rushing measures through.

It branded the SNP's proposals 'an unworkable mess' and said they were 'unsupportable' in their current form.

The Liberal Democrats warned against "stigmatising a generation" with the proposals.

Reduce violence

Paul Waterson, chief Executive of the Scottish Licensed Trade Association, welcomed the focus on the "irresponsible promotions and practices in off-sales".

He said: "Not only does the SLTA agree with minimum pricing, it's a view shared by licensed trade leaders from the rest of the UK and Ireland."

Dr Peter Terry, chairman of the British Medical Association in Scotland, said: "We particularly welcome its proposals on minimum price and promotions, as evidence shows that the increased affordability of alcohol is driving the damaging levels of consumption in Scotland."

Det Ch Supt John Carnochan, spokesman for the Association of Chief Police Officers in Scotland, said: "Fundamentally, if you want to reduce violence then you need to reduce access to alcohol.

"We know that the group most at risk from violence is young males aged 10 -29, so if you limit access to alcohol in certain areas then it can only be a good thing, especially as it is done with local agreement and is locally relevant."

Jack Law, chief executive of Alcohol Focus Scotland, said: "Change won't happen overnight. But the combined efforts of government, health and police services, the alcohol industry, licensed trade and the voluntary sector should ensure significantly fewer Scots' lives are affected by alcohol misuse."

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