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Ελληνογερμανική Αγωγή: "The ΜΗΔΕΙΑ project" για εκπαιδευτικούς

Αρχική | Εκπαίδευση | Ελληνογερμανική Αγωγή: "The ΜΗΔΕΙΑ project" για εκπαιδευτικούς


Dear Educator: 12.10.2010

We are writing to invite you to be part of the The MHΔEIA Project, a cultural endeavour which we believe promotes Greek history and culture and which will be taking place in May 2011. This event is a theatrical happening, centering on the Greek tragedy of Medea, which will be performed inside Daveli’s Cave in Pendeli. The MHΔEIA Project will marry the oldest art form in a non-traditional environment and create a new experience that will traverse generations and culture, and celebrate history.


Our project aims to emphasize Greece’s greatest commodities: culture and archaeology as well as unveil LA’s tremendous theater force internationally. This event is supported by the Municipality of Athens, the Ephorate of Paleoanthropology–Speleology of S. Greece, The Ministry of Culture, the Hellenic Republic Embassy of Greece in Los Angeles and many individuals.


The MHΔEIA Project engages a diverse roster of studies: theater, archaeology, architecture, history, literature and psychology/philosophy. The groundwork has been established and the project is ready to be integrated into private and public schools such as yours. Special performances will include post-show talks to deepen the audience’s experience and address the themes of the play that relate to contemporary society.


Should you decide to take part and incorporate the play into a number of lessons, there will be opportunities for Greek and Los Angeles participants to lecture to and offer workshops for your students. Examples of the teachings can include the following topics:

  • sharing artistic styles and development processes that reveal a deeper and more expansive understanding of performative methodologies

  • dramaturgical exploration of text and language

  • discussions about how this tragedy is interpreted by different yet similar cultures with distinctive histories and experiences

  • addressing specific themes of the play like that of social exclusion


We have prepared a preliminary study-guide which gives a synopsis of the story and material to be used by educators prior to and post the performance. It is only a suggestion for your review, a starting point to see the issues and explore them with your students. Our primary goal is to bring your students to the shows with the hope that they leave with a lasting impression. We believe that in this way we will be both furthering your students’ knowledge of English as well as awareness of Greek heritage.


The project has been conceived by Los Angeles-based artist Tamar Fortgang who is currently in Greece. Join us at our premises Ellinogermaniki Agogi on Tuesday, October 19 (16.00-18.00), to draw a more detailed work plan. For more information about the project, including a PR video, visit themedeaproject.com. Please RSVP to 2108176764 or email zafi@ea.gr. If you are interested in bringing colleagues, please inform us of this so that we can accommodate them.


Hoping that this suggestion meets your plans and expectations. We remain yours and hopeful of the fruition of The MHΔEIA Project.


Zafi Mandali , Director of the Department of English



Αποστολή: Αναστασία Ιωαννίδου


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