Κίνηση για Ελευθερία και Δικαιοσύνη στην Κύπρο: Ευχαριστήρια επιστολή προς Ewald Stadler
Honorable Ewald Stadler, MP
Parlamentsklub des BZÖ
Dr.-Karl-Renner-Ring 3
1017 Wien, Austria
Dear Sir,
Ref.: Your direct address to the Turkish Ambassador of last week
The least we can do is to express in writing our warm thanks and feelings of gratitude for your honest and direct address to the Turkish Ambassador last week.
For almost 37 years, Greek and all legitimate Cypriots are the vivid victims of Turkey’s barbarism, as a result of its illegal invasion and occupation of 38% of the territory of the sovereign Republic of Cyprus.
We would kindly refer you to www.freedomjustice.com.cy where you can find and download the bilingual (Greek and English) book “Bloody Truth”, which documents the true and real facts about Cyprus of the last 60 years, concluding with the Turkish atrocities in 1974 and the consequences thereof until today.
Furthermore, you can find (in Greek, English and French) “the Proposal of the correct YES”, describing the only just, viable and dignified approach with respect to the Cyprus Issue, based on the axiom that “the Republic of Cyprus is an equal Member State of the European Union, sovereign over the entire Island, hence this status can not be changed or abolished by any so called arrangement”. Therefore, all illegal Turkish troops and all illegal Turkish Settlers have to withdraw and return to their home land, prior of discussing ANY political technicality.
The so called “Bizonal, Bicommunal Federation” under discussion can never be accepted by the legitimate people of Cyprus, being the result of the illegal Turkish invasion, therefore a by definition internationally illegal arrangement.
Last but not least, we are, Dear Sir, at your entire disposal to submit in person our comprehensive views on “how a correct conclusion for the Cyprus Issue can benefit the EU society”.
Should a meting with you and/or the appropriate Austrian Parliamentary Committee be arranged, we feel positive that the outcome will prove fruitful and of genuine mutual interest.
We underline once again our positive feelings for your honest attitude.
Panos Ioannides, Lawyer
Δείτε καρέ-καρέ τη σφαγή στο Κοντομαρί Χανίων από τους Γερμανούς - Η ιστορία του Franz Peter Weixler
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