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WIGS: Thanks for supporting Earth Hour

Αρχική | Διάφορα | WIGS: Thanks for supporting Earth Hour

Dear WIGS Members,

Thank you for supporting Earth hour. It is fantastic to see how much we can really do as a group and we should never give up. I particularly want to thank young children and teenagers that turned their computers and electronic games off, unpacked their old board games, lit some candles and started to have fun while they were conscious planet earth citizens!!!! Thank you Christina L., John S., Michel K., Stefano S. & Vassili-Antony A.

Anastasia Ioannidis.

Educational Consultant.



With little actions like this, everyone can contribute for a better tomorrow. As the NGO Earth Hour said, " Part of taking Earth Hour beyond the hour is spreading awareness and encouraging people to act". Slowly but surely, this silent movement has spread through out the world... let's be the first ones in our communities showing our actions towards a greener future to our neighbors and relatives. Reducing our energy footprint in our planet is securing a better environment for future generations. If we don't do it, then who will?

Erika Yon. Marine Biologist.

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